Minimal photo booklet & take-away for an on-going project.

Scope: Booklets
Role: Layout Design, Assembly


Karl Mattson is a photographer drawn to document typically overlooked elements of our landscape. His on-going Pilelands series has grown from a personal obsession to a collaborative project, with the inclusion of submissions from others willing to document and share their found piles. His series made its first gallery debut at the Rochester Contemporary Art Center in Take Back the Walls - a juried exhibition of artworks by New York State artists who also work in museums, galleries, and arts organizations. Karl and I worked together to develop a hand-out that served a dual purpose as a mini-show booklet and a call for submissions. The simple single sheet booklet design utilizes a double gatefold with a full-page photo on the reverse side. The booklet was economically printed, hand-trimmed, and folded - working with the zine aesthetic and inherent grunge appearance of the subject matter.

To learn more about Pilelands visit


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